Meet India's Youngest App Programmers

Shravan and Sanjay

Bangalore: Shravan and Sanjay from Chennai are perhaps the country's youngest mobile application developers and possibly, one among the youngest developers around the world, reported NDTV. Shravan and Sanjay are brothers, just 10 and 14 years old. Three of their apps are already in iPads and iPhones. The first is a game called "Catch Me Cop" while there is also an app for children to learn the alphabet and a prayers app for those on the move.

The download for the apps have crossed the 10,000 mark with users from across thirty countries.

Their father Kumaran, an IT expert is the one who introduced them to computers at an early age. And soon what started off as a hobby is now making money for them. Sanjay says that he and his brother were very excited when Apple accepted their game first. He says, "There are millions of apps in Apple stores. For me such a young developer to get my apps published, wow," as reported by NDTV.

The budding techies say there were inspired by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They say they want to specialize in educational apps. Currently, they are developing an app for students who miss classes. Shravan explains, "When students take leave for various reasons, this would record all class room activities and put it on the cloud. This would reach your device and you can watch the entire class room activity by the teacher, the exercises etc". He says another app in the making is "mobile navigation for the visually challenged". This would be a mobile phone giving voice alerts to a visually challenged person about the things around him or her. That is also what they are working at.

Shravan is in Class 8 and his younger brother, Sanjay, is in Class 6. So did the parents force them or pressure them to study? Their mother Jyothi Lakshmi says "no, we don't even compel them to study. We always tell them they should enjoy whatever they do," as reported by NDTV.

The boys are aspiring high and their dream is to design the world's lightest tablet. They have launched a company called GoDimensions. Just like Bill Gates and Steve, both have set aside a portion (fifteen percent) of their profits to charity, for the cause of children in particular.